The principle of operation of the pipelines heating unit is similar to the scheme of operation of the WHU «FONTAN», except for that the heating cable is placed inside the pipeline.
The principle of cable supply to the pipeline depends on the conditions of location (ground, underground), its length, diameter and angles of compensators.
There are restrictions on the use of the heating cable in the diameter of the pipeline and the amount of fluid passed through it (Ǿ — no more than 200 mm, Q — no more than 400 m3), associated with the amount of consumed power.
Using of an additional number of cable lines in various places of the extended pipeline allows to increase the amount of fluid in the cross section of the pipeline.
Using of pipeline heating units prevents the formation of paraffins, excludes the need for other methods of dewaxing.
The equipment is manufactured according to the technical requirements of the customer, taking into account all the nuances of the operated facilities.